Discover the Truth about Soul to Soul Connection Experience

So many of us have adopted the belief that there is only one soulmate, one twin flame, one perfect spiritual match. This could not be further from the truth. Every person has many opportunities to attract to them that energetic match. Here’s the problem so many of us face: we have this idea in our heads that once this person walks into our life everything in our life, everything about us that is broken, will magically be fixed. Everything will be wonderful once they show up. 

In reality you have to show up for yourself first. You need to have the necessary experience to be able to understand the experience. You will get it when you’re actually ready for it. Not a moment before that. This is a process that everyone will undergo at some point in their life. Whether or not they actually do the work or if they bother to show up for themselves will determine the type of soul to soul connection they create. 

Your current state of being your own vibration of creation will attract to you someone who vibrates on a similar frequency. When this occurs so many of us adopt the belief or have the idea that this is a soulmate or a twin flame. How can you possibly know that? All you know for sure is that you are in the experience of a soul to soul connection. “But I feel like I’ve known them my whole life?” you say. “Surely this is a soul mate or twin flame!” I had dreams about meeting this person. Surely this means something! Surely they are my soul mate or twin flames! I just know it!  How do you know it? Did a higher vibration intelligence tell you or do you just believe it? Where’s your evidence? Wheres your proof? If it is true, there should be some sort of actual proof, some actual evidence, right? And why does it even matter if they actually are a soul mate or twin flame? Why can’t you just be happy in the experience of the soul to soul connection and all it has to offer you and teach you? 

You need to understand these connections aren’t a relationship in the form you have grown accustomed to. The old model of relationship is a lower vibrational attraction. These connections are a higher vibration of attraction designed to heighten and elevate your consciousness as you experience it. Not all soul to soul connections will even take form in the physical world and remain an etheric spiritual connection. But if we’re connected in a deep soul to soul connection, that means it’s meant to be and we should be together in the physical world right? That’s not always the case. 

It is common in these experiences to develop the ability to communicate with each other in the sleep state or meditative state. This is possible through the emotional connection. And if you can have this communication with someone in the physical world in the etheric body, then surely you can have similar communication with higher vibration intelligences. You are in fact being gifted with a new program to communicate with higher vibration intelligences. This all happens through the heart through the vibration of love. These soul to soul experiences that don’t take shape in the physical world have the potential to teach you this. This is a gift.  If you would only get out of the way and let it happen! 

This doesn’t mean that the connection will never take shape or form in the physical world. Every connection is unique to the individuals involved in the connection. If the connection did not take form in the physical world ask yourself, “Did I allow and accept the connection without the expectation of relationship?” This is a soul to soul experience. It is teaching you how to communicate in a way that is foreign to most of us. It will take time to learn to communicate in this way. Let go of the expectations of relationship! Stop trying to control the outcome and allow the connection to teach you! This is how you can repair your own dysfunctional programs through a new program of higher vibrational love. This has the potential to give you the missing tools that are required to repair your dysfunctional programs that are limiting you and stopping you from achieving your desired outcome. The question is: will you stop trying to control everything, get out of the way and allow and accept things to unfold without any exceptions? The choice is yours I hope you made the correct one.

Inspired by the divine intelligence

Created just for you

Written by Jon Wilkinson