Do Past Lives Need to be Healed?

Many of us reach a point in our life when we spend a great deal of time pondering and reflecting on our experiences, wondering when and how things will change for us. You spend what little money you do have on the psychic to tell you what’s going to happen. The  psychic tells you the reason you are this way, the reason you don’t have the life you wanted, is because in a past life this horrible thing happened to you and you have to get rid of all this bad karma in this life, so that next time you can have a better life. Do you really accept that you can’t have everything your heart desires in this life because of something that may or may not have happened in another life, another timeline altogether? That was another vibration of you, that’s all. They made different choices, created different programs, had different experiences than you. This is all how it was intended to be. Your higher self that exists in a higher vibration than you do in your physical body has everything well at hand. 

You do not need to heal any past lives. You do not need to do anything but focus on you, not the you that existed in another life, another timeline. We know that if we keep thinking about the past experiences of pain and trauma that we will stay there, reliving and recreating lower vibration negative experiences, right? So why do we want recreate, relive negative traumatic experiences  that aren’t even really ours? They belong to a totally different vibration of you that does not exist in this current time in space, in this life, your life that you are living right now. 

So why is it that so many of us will feel this need to believe this physic when they tell us you are this way because this thing happened in this other life and in order to grow and change and create the life you want you need to heal this? Really? Do you actually accept that? Do you live your life accepting your friends or families traumas as your own and recreating their pain into your life, attracting to you lower vibrational experiences that don’t even belong to you? Or have you finally realized that is their stuff, their vibration? It belongs to them and only them. If you can do that when it comes to those closest to you, why did you ever accept this story of needing to heal a past life, heal these experiences that aren’t really even yours? They belong to a completely different person, a completely different vibration of you. If you can accept this new truth, that you don’t need to accept ownership over that past vibrations of you, your past life’s, then surely you will accept that you don’t need to heal anything that doesn’t belong to the you, that exists in this time and space.  

All you have to do is do your own work to heal what belongs to you and only you, to create a world of possibility where anything is possible. The more you can heal this vibration of you, the more you can stop thinking about the past hurts, traumas. The higher you will vibrate the closer you will get to the truth of you. You can’t do that if you’re always thinking and feeling the experiences of pain of vibrations of you that exist in another space and time, can you? Are you ready to let go of the story of needing to heal your past lives? Are you ready to accept that maybe this need to heal past hurts is actually creating more hurt, more pain here for you to heal and that possibly all you really have to do is stop thinking about it? It’s time for you to step into a brand new world of possibility, creating a you that doesn’t need to heal their older vibrations, a you that understands and accepts that those vibrations need to do the work for themselves, that everything is ok and you do not have to claim ownership over those pains and traumas anymore. 

My final question to you is this: are you ready to create a brand new story that allows for a world of possibility where anything is possible? You can, but you have to do the work. You have to stop reliving the past of pain and traumas that were never yours to begin with. Time to let go of the lower vibrations of you and step into the world of possibility where only the highest vibrations of you can exist. But will you? Thats up to you. I hope you make the correct choice.

Inspired by the divine Intelligence

Created just for you

Written by Jon Wilkinson