Stepping into the Consciousness of the Teenage Medium
Many young unfolding teenage mediums will most certainly be struggling as the world consciousness transforms itself into something brand new. As these young mediums begin to grasp the concept that the world they knew, the world we all knew doesn’t exist anymore, cut off from their emotional, physical connections, they are being catapulted through this initiation of stepping into their mediumship. But no, it’s not the mediumship we’ve all been accustomed to. It’s something that goes beyond the whole talking to dead people that so many of us seem consumed by.
It’s Time to Redefine Mediumship
As these mediums of tomorrow stumble into this new mode of communication most certainly they are being pushed and pulled to find new ways to connect emotionally. With the absence of physical touch a simple hug goodbye, living a virtual existence will not suffice. Now that all that physical touch is gone, there will be a time of restructuring this new way of communication through the etheric experience. They can experience intimacy through the higher vibrations of the heart, a new model of communication initially via the dream state. What does this mean? It means having social interactions with the physical sensations of taste, touch, and smell and having a real experience with not just the spirit people or higher vibrational intelligences but real people that are sharing a real physical 3d experience. This is what mediumship is evolving into. We are moving into a time where we will be able to have these kinds of communications and connections with each other on a more consistent basis. This is made possible in large part from the social distancing we are all forced to take part in. Now I know there are a lot of people struggling and a lot of awakening mediums, especially youth, having these kinds of experiences right now. This is a necessary part of the evolution of mediumship to allow these mediums to develop this free higher vibration communication network with each other not just with spirit.
Why is This Happening in the Dream State?
Think of it like this: there is a physical you and higher vibrational of you or higher self if you prefer. These two you’s are in communication with each other via the dream state because the physical you can’t get in the way and stop the experience from happening as easily. The higher you is teaching or programming the physical you this new model of communication. It is now easier, because of our emotional human condition, to connect to people which has been altered due to social distancing. Because we can’t connect physically and because digital connection falls short for so many, this higher you is taking this opportunity to teach you a brand new way of communication that is more enhanced than any physical experience you could possibly experience here in your physical lives. It is the emotional need of being connected and accepted that fuels this desire to communicate. I know that for many, it can be a struggle and unsettling when we first begin to communicate in this fashion. Over time, as you experience more and more of the unknown of this new way of communication, it will become as effortless as our current communication modalities.
Ok! So Why is This so Relevant for the Teenage Medium?
This process is more relevant for the teenage medium because it is easier for them to receive the correct programming to allow for these soul-to-soul connections to take form and shape in the etheric via the dream state due to the fact they have less dysfunctional, lower vibrational programming to work though. It is at this point in his or her life that the teenage medium is starting to connect the dots that the way they experience the world is different than a lot of other people. Or at least that’s what they think. It is important that this process occur to allow for less collateral damage to many mediums over the years, cutting themselves off from these soul-to-soul connections, denying themselves connections that will bring them closer to source. The problem is that what a lot of them experience within these connections can be challenging and it is easier to shut it off rather than become educated. It’s easier to remain ignorant than to do the work.
It’s Time to Become Educated
So many of us fall victim to the unpleasant experiences that create an unbalanced state of being. It is common for teenage medium to experience some downright scary experiences within the soul-to-soul connection experience. A level of connection that is deemed impossible: moments of a state of being of one intelligence or a sense of mental telepathy or enhanced empathy, a sharing of thoughts or feelings experienced as one. The seeing of what many mediums call silhouette or the shadow people are all enhanced and amplified within these connections. It is common and understandable to be afraid. It is intended to experience these types of connections and communications via the dream state, prior to a coming together, for some to ease into the connection to make it easier to accept and not run to the place of fear and shut it off, cutting themselves off from the higher vibrations of communication also called mediumship.
Relationship is the Key
Relationship plays a critical component to the evolution of the teenage medium. For many, they will experience these soul- to-soul connections in the dream state to some extent first. Why? To give them the experience before a coming together in the physical world. The current state of the world has created the opportune moment for this to occur on a massive scale,
skyrocketing these teenage mediums through the evolutionary process. The reason for this is quite simple. It is easier to accept the connection in the physical world and surrender into the experience of the connection, allowing it to take form and shape if they have already had the experience in the dream state, creating the necessary programming that will accept and allow it to be. For without the knowledge and understanding, most will just reject the connection, making the higher vibrational communications of mediumship more challenging. So you see, the experience of the soul-to-soul connection creates the framework for mediumship, something each and everyone of us is capable of.
Mediumship – Taking the Next Step
Once you begin to understand that this thing called mediumship is just a way to communicate that transcends all the lower vibrational energies, that during this time so many are being programmed to allow for this higher vibrational communication with spirit, and with all of us who have created the necessary programming, you are ready for the next step. This will mean you will need to be open to the idea that everything you thought you knew about mediumship was either wrong or incomplete, that the real goal was never to talk to the dead people or your guides so you could achieve a bunch of goals and create a bunch of material wealth. The real goal was to allow yourself to communicate through the higher vibration of your heart and stop allowing your lower vibrations to dictate to you how you communicate. It is at this time we are being forced to liberate the energy of the lower vibrational thinking and feeling. If you can allow that energy to be liberated, if you can allow yourself to be liberated, you will gain access to this network of intelligences – both people in this physical world and those that exist in a higher vibration, call it whatever you like, astral planes or the spirit world. The question you need ask isn’t why has the world gone to shit. The question you need to ask is will you finally liberate yourself from all the lower vibrational energy motivated by all the things and stuff that you don’t really need? The rewards of gaining access to this network of higher vibrational intelligences is worth the effort, but to get there you have to do the work. You have to meet them half-way and the only way to do that is to liberate that energy and get into that communication faculty of mediumship through your heart.
But How Exactly do I get into my Heart in a World Full of Dysfunction?
The answer to that isn’t one size fits all. There is no pill to take. No magical cure. It’s real work that requires real effort. That means telling the truth and having the courage to look into the vibration of you and observing yourself in those moments of frustration, anger and despair. It means taking the time to acknowledge that you are not in control, accepting that the dysfunction of you played a role in this world we live in. In order to get into that higher vibration of the heart, you have to own your contribution to the field of dysfunction. Own it, acknowledge it, and reflect on the one thing you can do in your life not to give to the field of dysfunction. The question you need to ask yourself is this: are you ok with this world in its current state or are you ready to do something about it? Are you ready to make one small shift, one small change, knowing that it does matter, knowing that it will make a difference? The choice is yours. I have no doubt you will make the correct one.
Inspired by the divine Intelligence
Created just for you
Written by Jon Wilkinson